Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Katy is hit by a car and set on fire in her latest video

If you're a Katy Perry fan then you'll enjoy the following video. To be honest, even if you're not supporting her, you'll find the video visually nice and quite inspiring. The track is called Unconditionally and it is included on Katy's Prism album which came out October 22nd. The artist tweeted this in promotion of the clip: "Yes, unconditional love sometimes feels like being hit by a car... Or being on fire... How does it feel to you? "

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Istoria hip-hop-ului romanesc cu Florin Grozea si Cosmin Tudoran

Salutare. Revin pe blog cu un articol in romana dupa cam mult timp. Va scriu azi tot despre muzica. Am descoperit recent ca TVR realizeaza o emisiune numita "In tara minunilor". Am fost captivat de proiect si curios inca de la auzirea titlului. Iata descrierea programului conform site-ului Televiziunii Romane: "În ţara minunilor este o coproducţie TVR şi Indie Studio şi spune poveştile de succes ale unor oameni deosebiţi, cunoscuţi dar şi mai puţin cunoscuţi, ale căror realizări pot fi un exemplu pentru ceilalţi." Emisiunea e prezentata de membrii formatiei HI-Q,cu a caror muzica am crescut. Clipul pe care il postez dedesubt o sa devina viral. Cel putin asa ar merita.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Eminem & Rihanna part 2

Hey guys, I am back with a new post. Today it's all about music and I wanna introduce you to a new Eminem track named Monster, a featuring with Rihanna. This is the second time the two artists collaborate, after the release of their smashing hit Love the way you lie (What a great track that was). Monster can be listened on Em's new album MMLP2, which is released November 5. Now I'm curious to see the official video for this. What do you think : is this a HIT or SH!T?

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Welcome to October

Time's passing by. No one can stop it, or go back in time. Wish I could though. Like in that movie About Time. Superb film by the way. If it's still in the cinema I recommend you go and see it. Today's the 1st October. If September is the month when summer holiday is over, October is a month I really enjoy. Maybe because I was born this month, maybe because it's not hot, but not too cold. And on my bday it was sunny in 99 percent of the cases. But there are plenty other reasons, some of which I will mention in this article: Autumn is here with its leaves of different colours forming a marvelous painting right in front of our eyes.
October is the month of Halloween. Everybody is getting a costume. Even cats.
Being in London in October is wonderful !
Last but not least, there are some interesting movies coming out, one of them being Romeo & Juliet. Will it be as good as the one with Leo DiCaprio and Claire Danes? I'll watch it and let you know *cheeky smile*

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Romania vs Turcia (la fotbal)

Mai e o ora si ceva pana la MARELE MECI ! Daca facem egal si nu ne incurcam in ultimele doua jocuri mergem la baraj ! Dar turcii o sa vina cu siguranta peste noi, asa ca nu putem sa ne aparam ! Sau cel putin nu trebuie sa gadim asa. Exista vorba aia: cea mai buna aparare e atacul. Eu sper ca Piturca sa nu le fi bagat jucatorilor in cap ideea sa bage autobaza (trademark Cirtu) pentru ca astfel nu facem mare lucru. Turcia e echpa buna, dar noi avem tot stadionul de partea noastra. Jucatorii au in spate o tara intreaga care asteapta o bucurie, pentru a mai uita putin de problemele cotidiene.
Avem un jucator care poate fi decisiv, pe Ciprian Marica. Pe hartie, el nu are contract cu nicio echipa momentan. Dar el e legat de un contract moral, cu nationala si cu noi suporterii. Asa ca, daca va juca sper sa dea totul si sa rasplateasca increderea noastra, a tuturor. Mi-as dori sa pot spune ca batem la scor. Important e sa batem pana la urma, sau sa luptam pentru a castiga. Daca se termina egal e bun si asa. Dar sa vad ca ne-am dat silinta. Cand am mers in Turcia am vazut in multe locuri scris cuvantul BAIRAM. Sper ca asta seara noi sa dam BAIRAM dupa ce obtinem VICTORIA.

Monday, 9 September 2013


Wake me up when September ends…that’s the title of a song. One that I like a lot. What I am not so fond of is the weather in September, especially in good ol’ London Town. The beginning of this month brings with it cold, rain and of course, umbrellas. You’d think that after 5 years here, the umbrella is my accessory, but whoever met me knows I’m all about hoodies and caps. The thing is that when it pours (like in Justin Timberlake’s video Cry me a river- just imagine it) sometimes I end up like in that tune singing in the rain…”Just singing in the rain, I’m singing in the rain…”. September marks the end of the summer and the coming of the fall. There’s one thing that makes this month bearable. Most of the American TV shows start again. I’m thinking of The Vampire Diaries, How I met your mother, Two and a half men, The Big Bang Theory, Revenge and the list can continue. Don’t know if you’re aware, but I watch a lot of movies and TV shows. By the way I recommend you keep your eyes on a brand new show that’s coming this fall and it’s called The Crazy Ones with Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Geller as the main actors. It’s gonna be quite funny. To end up this article I would say that the most exciting thing about September is that the following month I celebrate my birthday :D

Sunday, 8 September 2013

How I made the most of my life at uni

Coming to university can be a scary thing in the sense that you leave a lot of people behind (friends, family, your favourite places where you used to hang out with your mates) and engage yourself in a journey to discover the real you, the things you like and what you aim to achieve for your future. Everyone goes through this experience. It is part of the process of growing up and becoming prepared for life. For me, university life was a remarkable experience. That is why I chose to do a masters degree as well. I got to learn interesting things about radio, media, how businesses work and how to build a business plan, I was taught in different ways, I met people from all over the world and I kept in touch with them even after finishing my degree. I enjoyed and hated rain in London. I went to concerts. I engaged in activities and societies that the university’s Students Union has provided for us. I had the chance of meeting celebrities. I experienced a broken heart in London. I had moments when I treated myself as a king, but also days where I could afford the cheapest meals or deals at McDonald’s. I had a radio show on an award winning student radio station. To sum up my experience I would say that my life at uni included Passion, Emotions, Realities, Friends, Essential skills that can be developed and make you a more qualified person for a job, Keys to the future and a memorable Time. It was PERFEKT :)

Monday, 12 August 2013

Listen to Katy Perry's new song

Hey guys, it's been a while since I wrote on my blog. Sorry for my absence :) I'll try and post more often than before. Today I'm writing about some exciting stuff. Katy Perry just released a new song called Roar and this will be included on her anticipated NEW ALBUM, PRISM out on 22nd October (just one day before my bday. yay!) I kind of missed her so I'm glad she's back. This track could easily be put in the motivational songs category. I'm really looking forward to seeing Katy's video for Roar as she teased us with some short clips before the launch of her single (my favourite being this one) And now boys and girls I would like to hear you #ROAR and listen to Katy's tune

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The fear

Good evening. It's me again. And with a title like that you could think what the hell does he mean...well , we all fear of something during our lives. We want to admit it or not, it is a fact. If you are not afraid of anything you probably are not human :) what could help you pass over your fear is to talk to someone close to you. An advice from the right person can make miracles. You won't forget about your fear in a second, but it will help you see things differently. Fear can be defeated. You just need time and some support from your entourage...

Most of days....

...I start them listening to up beat tracks. Right now, while writing this, I'm listening to Some nights, by FUN. , a band that had a great year. It was seen the best at the Grammys where they had something like 6 nominations. And they just appeared on the market last year !! Well, my point is that some days are meant to start with music like this ,right? At least when it is sunny like it is now in London town. There's also the opposite side of things where you can say that you prefer to listen to love songs , but for me that works only during the winter or if the weather is really bad. What are your habits in the morning regarding listening to music? Do you have any songs that give you a positive energy for that day?

Monday, 18 February 2013

Something to cheer you up

You probably know the feeling when you are so tired and on your way back home from uni, school or work place you see something that will make you laugh and basically make your day. Well ,for me tonight was that moment while noticing what you can see in the picture I posted on this article. I think their idea(cause it's a coffee place) of promoting themselves is quite interesting ...I would definitely go there just to see why these people are so happy. Maybe that's gonna be my happy place :) and it's nearby. What could I ask more for? To be honest, more spare time.

