Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Romania vs Turcia (la fotbal)

Mai e o ora si ceva pana la MARELE MECI ! Daca facem egal si nu ne incurcam in ultimele doua jocuri mergem la baraj ! Dar turcii o sa vina cu siguranta peste noi, asa ca nu putem sa ne aparam ! Sau cel putin nu trebuie sa gadim asa. Exista vorba aia: cea mai buna aparare e atacul. Eu sper ca Piturca sa nu le fi bagat jucatorilor in cap ideea sa bage autobaza (trademark Cirtu) pentru ca astfel nu facem mare lucru. Turcia e echpa buna, dar noi avem tot stadionul de partea noastra. Jucatorii au in spate o tara intreaga care asteapta o bucurie, pentru a mai uita putin de problemele cotidiene.
Avem un jucator care poate fi decisiv, pe Ciprian Marica. Pe hartie, el nu are contract cu nicio echipa momentan. Dar el e legat de un contract moral, cu nationala si cu noi suporterii. Asa ca, daca va juca sper sa dea totul si sa rasplateasca increderea noastra, a tuturor. Mi-as dori sa pot spune ca batem la scor. Important e sa batem pana la urma, sau sa luptam pentru a castiga. Daca se termina egal e bun si asa. Dar sa vad ca ne-am dat silinta. Cand am mers in Turcia am vazut in multe locuri scris cuvantul BAIRAM. Sper ca asta seara noi sa dam BAIRAM dupa ce obtinem VICTORIA.

Monday, 9 September 2013


Wake me up when September ends…that’s the title of a song. One that I like a lot. What I am not so fond of is the weather in September, especially in good ol’ London Town. The beginning of this month brings with it cold, rain and of course, umbrellas. You’d think that after 5 years here, the umbrella is my accessory, but whoever met me knows I’m all about hoodies and caps. The thing is that when it pours (like in Justin Timberlake’s video Cry me a river- just imagine it) sometimes I end up like in that tune singing in the rain…”Just singing in the rain, I’m singing in the rain…”. September marks the end of the summer and the coming of the fall. There’s one thing that makes this month bearable. Most of the American TV shows start again. I’m thinking of The Vampire Diaries, How I met your mother, Two and a half men, The Big Bang Theory, Revenge and the list can continue. Don’t know if you’re aware, but I watch a lot of movies and TV shows. By the way I recommend you keep your eyes on a brand new show that’s coming this fall and it’s called The Crazy Ones with Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Geller as the main actors. It’s gonna be quite funny. To end up this article I would say that the most exciting thing about September is that the following month I celebrate my birthday :D

Sunday, 8 September 2013

How I made the most of my life at uni

Coming to university can be a scary thing in the sense that you leave a lot of people behind (friends, family, your favourite places where you used to hang out with your mates) and engage yourself in a journey to discover the real you, the things you like and what you aim to achieve for your future. Everyone goes through this experience. It is part of the process of growing up and becoming prepared for life. For me, university life was a remarkable experience. That is why I chose to do a masters degree as well. I got to learn interesting things about radio, media, how businesses work and how to build a business plan, I was taught in different ways, I met people from all over the world and I kept in touch with them even after finishing my degree. I enjoyed and hated rain in London. I went to concerts. I engaged in activities and societies that the university’s Students Union has provided for us. I had the chance of meeting celebrities. I experienced a broken heart in London. I had moments when I treated myself as a king, but also days where I could afford the cheapest meals or deals at McDonald’s. I had a radio show on an award winning student radio station. To sum up my experience I would say that my life at uni included Passion, Emotions, Realities, Friends, Essential skills that can be developed and make you a more qualified person for a job, Keys to the future and a memorable Time. It was PERFEKT :)