Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Katy is hit by a car and set on fire in her latest video

If you're a Katy Perry fan then you'll enjoy the following video. To be honest, even if you're not supporting her, you'll find the video visually nice and quite inspiring. The track is called Unconditionally and it is included on Katy's Prism album which came out October 22nd. The artist tweeted this in promotion of the clip: "Yes, unconditional love sometimes feels like being hit by a car... Or being on fire... How does it feel to you? "

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Istoria hip-hop-ului romanesc cu Florin Grozea si Cosmin Tudoran

Salutare. Revin pe blog cu un articol in romana dupa cam mult timp. Va scriu azi tot despre muzica. Am descoperit recent ca TVR realizeaza o emisiune numita "In tara minunilor". Am fost captivat de proiect si curios inca de la auzirea titlului. Iata descrierea programului conform site-ului Televiziunii Romane: "În ţara minunilor este o coproducţie TVR şi Indie Studio şi spune poveştile de succes ale unor oameni deosebiţi, cunoscuţi dar şi mai puţin cunoscuţi, ale căror realizări pot fi un exemplu pentru ceilalţi." Emisiunea e prezentata de membrii formatiei HI-Q,cu a caror muzica am crescut. Clipul pe care il postez dedesubt o sa devina viral. Cel putin asa ar merita.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Eminem & Rihanna part 2

Hey guys, I am back with a new post. Today it's all about music and I wanna introduce you to a new Eminem track named Monster, a featuring with Rihanna. This is the second time the two artists collaborate, after the release of their smashing hit Love the way you lie (What a great track that was). Monster can be listened on Em's new album MMLP2, which is released November 5. Now I'm curious to see the official video for this. What do you think : is this a HIT or SH!T?